Our Vision Statement
Inspired by Jesus’ promise of life in all its fullness, Roundhay St John’s Church of England Primary School aims to provide education of the highest quality within a Christian context.
Christian values guide our decision making and permeate every area of school life.
This is an inclusive school that respects the beliefs of all. We aim to create opportunities to explore the meaning of Christian faith as a gift to be experienced and enjoyed.
Through this we aspire to enable every child to flourish and each person to feel valued.
Click here to find out more about what lies behind our vision...
Our Curriculum Intent
Learning to live life in all its fullness
As with all aspects of school, our curriculum is shaped by our Christian vision. We are inspired by Jesus promise that…
‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10).
It is our intention to ensure that our curriculum provides opportunities for our children to flourish by doing just that throughout their childhood years and
in which ever journey they choose beyond. A centred life, lived to the full, should have breadth, depth, length and height. There should be life for all and fullness for all.
provide a broad, relevant, progressive and knowledge rich curriculum and a whole host of memorable experiences through which the acquisition of secure basic skills will be acquired
ensure that everyone can learn more and remember more in readiness for the next stage of learning and life
enable children to establish the skills, resilience and curiosity they will need to be independent, lifelong learners in a changing world, confident that their contributions can make a difference
engage and enthuse children about their learning and open their eyes to the world in which they live, supporting them to be confident in making positive choices about learning and living
promote a strong culture of inclusion, tolerance and respect
be flexibile and responsive to the various and changing needs of our children whatever their need or ambition
nurture the spirit of every child
A paper copy of this information can be provided by the school office free of charge.